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Johnsonburg, PA
Stephanie Distler is a self-taught jewelry artist. Using nature for inspiration, she designs and creates artisan jewelry together with hand tools using silver (sterling and pure), copper and brass in wire or sheet form. Her home-based working studio allows space for metalwork, displays, workshops, PA Wilds events, and other artistic endeavors. Distler operated a gallery for many years, and now this space allows the opportunity for her to consolidate visioning, craftsmanship, and exhibition in one location.
Member of The Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania.
Johnsonburg, PA
Stephanie Distler is a self-taught jewelry artist. Using nature for inspiration, she designs and creates artisan jewelry together with hand tools using silver (sterling and pure), copper and brass in wire or sheet form. Her home-based working studio allows space for metalwork, displays, workshops, PA Wilds events, and other artistic endeavors. Distler operated a gallery for many years, and now this space allows the opportunity for her to consolidate visioning, craftsmanship, and exhibition in one location.
Member of The Wilds Cooperative of Pennsylvania.