Elk County Council on the Arts

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I Dream A World

I dream a world… Crowdsourced poetry booklets available at the ECCOTA Gallery.

In celebration of National Poetry Month, we asked the community to contribute to our first-ever crowdsourced poem project.

A crowdsourced poem is created entirely from words and lines submitted by the public on a particular theme. By compiling the various perspectives and voices together, crowdsourced poetry creates a lasting piece that speaks to and represents the community that writes it.

This year’s theme was: “I dream a world.”

We received over 100 submissions from every corner of Elk County, from submitters young and old. Together, your lines tell a story of the kind of community we want to live in and our shared responsibility to help make that dream a reality.

Stop by the gallery to grab your own free printed booklet of the poem. While you’re there, browse the pieces crafted by other artists in our community and learn about our upcoming classes and events.

The poem:

I dream a world.

I dream a world with candy trees, a field of ferns waving in the wind,
where every moment feels as pleasurable as waking on a hazy summer morning to the sound of birds chirping their euphonious melody
of purple and lacy and a fancy place to lay my head 
and make my bed with a big black dog -- the great bed hog. 
I dream a world where the sky is bluer and the grass is greener
and smiles are spread by a kind gesture
where forests survive, where magic is in the air
where people shine brighter than the stars they once looked up to.
I dream a world where the earth is healthy and thriving with generous people
where we are relinquished to the flowers, where trees embark on a conquest of the continents. 
And the birds sing. 
I dream a world where silence has more value than noise. 

I dream a world free from hatred, free from division
where everyone will have freedom and the same opportunities
where people respect one another and all people get along no matter who they are
where everyone can do something amazing, where we can be ourselves
where everyone gets to know someone before they judge them
and where people are not judged for their beliefs but for their personality 
and their actions in the real world.
I dream a world of pure acceptance. 
I dream a world in which society accepts your skin color, your gender, sexuality, and social class
a world where equality is possible
where our brown-skinned sons and daughters might feel safe as flashing lights appear in their rearview mirrors, where a speeding ticket doesn’t become a death sentence, where they can breathe a sigh of relief that we’re all equal.
I dream a world -- an amalgamation of blood and bone and every memory swimming full of the bedtime stories we were told as children. Innocent. Doe-eyed. Filled with hope. Eager to learn. Create. Become. 
I dream of a world where all wrongs are righted
where “I Have A Dream” is more than a dream
I dream a world where life is not so painful. 

I dream a world where all bad things end.
where kids aren’t scared to raise their hand because of what their peers might say
where people don't purposely go out of their way to hurt or make fun of somebody
where everyone can do something amazing without being bashed for it
where we are no longer afraid to go outside
where we no longer need to fight to fit in
where there is no stress, worry, overthinking, and anxiety
where mental health isn't told like a joke
where we are free, without judgment 
where people actually cared
where I’m the only person
I dream a world where nobody is hurting, inside or out.
I dream a world where there is no war, where there is a standstill in the violence
where our freedom isn't taken for granted and people cared more for our soldiers who give their lives to fight for our country
where children and adults alike can rest at ease knowing it is safe to walk alone
without a worry of being taken and people didn’t have to face discrimination 
there is no poverty, no discrimination, and every single person is happy 
eagles could soar freely as children roamed the streets.

I dream a world of peace.
Of peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace. 


I dream a world of peace
where love can be found anywhere
where anyone can do anything they want, where anything is possible
and where expression is key.
There, everyone is good to each other
everything is organized and nice
full of people, animals, nature.
full of laughter, full of calm and care, full of support.
There are no problems, only kindness and compassion.
Maybe I dream a world that is very futuristic and advanced.
where shoes can be worn backwards (and with flying cars).
I dream a world unafraid of change.
I dream a world where we see the bigger picture and look more for happiness
where everyone sees the good out of the bad
---because there is good in everything that happens.
I dream a world that is hopeful, thoughtful, and emotional
where everyone is loved for their selves.
I dream a world of life and hope that my children may prosper. 

I dream a world, I dream a world, I dream a world.
I dream a world in which every voice
is heard,
every equity
every fear
and every faith
answered in truth.

Compiled and edited by: Tia DeShong, Elk County Council on the Arts

Written by: Kara Chicola, Tyler Reed, JJ Blessel, Luke Anderson, Kelsie Bellotti, Jazlynn Knight, Daniel Schutz, Noah Millan, Zahra Baluch, Lola Larkin, Dean Rakieski, Paris Thomas, Alex Luckenbill, Eyan Galbraith, Ashlyn Tate, Hailey Burke, Jack Beyer, Alexis Wendel, Tylor Hansen, Sydney Smith, Emma Geiser, Abigail Gerg, Jenna Mazzaferro, Madison Jacob, Piper Phillips, Devyn Agosti, Tristan Dilley, Makenna Gulnac, Taira Flores, Viktor Clair Overturf, Jayssa Snelick, Dawson Krug, Ava Johnson, Kara Hanslovan, Derek Defranco, Sophie Radkowski, Gianna Surra, Rylee Nicklas, Chloe Jesberger, Audrianna Bobenrieth-Cool, Malaney Moyer, Clara Heary, Maura Caskey, Lili Chmelar, Lucas Bauer, Miguel Dutton, Owen Tamburlin-Lang, Carter Redmond, Connor Leuschel, Jianna Gerg, Gracie Celinski, Levi Solada, Makana Kuhn, Shelbi Agosti, Jasmine Midder, Austin Krieg, Ellie Guthridge, Hannah Gausman, Mallory Secco, Sydney Smith, Clara Heary, Owen Tamburlin-Lang, Jane Bryndel, Dan Schutz, Kelsie Bellotti, Andrew Urmann, Jewel Santaniello, Will VanSlander, Jennifer Huber, Amy Klawuhn, Fred Mcilhattan Jr., Rachel Wickett, Julia Pruett, Ann, Anthony, Hannah, Alexa, S.S., Ben P., Vinny, K.B., T.L., Brody S., Amelia H., Bryce M., Braeden S., Justine F., A.W., Justine F., James P., M.S., R.B., Jonathon, C.D., T.F., G.N., D.D., Aysia R., Gavin B., Abby V., Adam B., T.F., McKenna G., and Lucas.