PPA Grants
Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts (PPA) is a partnership between local organizations and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA). Operating in all 67 Pennsylvania counties, PPA Partners re-grant PCA funds to support a wide variety of local and community arts activities. PPA goals include:
· Expanding constituent access to the arts by (a) making arts programs available to communities that may have been underserved in the past by state arts funding, and (b) supporting a wide variety of arts activities in communities, developed in a variety of local settings.
· Encouraging and supporting local decision making in regranting of arts dollars.
· Increasing awareness of and advocacy for government support and funding for the arts at the local and state levels.
· Enabling the PCA to provide increased assistance to its broad constituency throughout the state.
Entry to Program Stream
Entry to Program Stream is for organizations or programs with average annual revenue of less than $200,000 that aim to ultimately be recommended for support through PPA Program Stream. Entry to Program Stream supports eligible applicants that have a history of at least one year of consistent arts programming. Generally, grant amounts will range from $2,000 to $3,000, and grant funds may be used for operations, programs, or projects.
Applicants must:
Be a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation, a unit of government, or school district providing arts programming and/or arts services in Pennsylvania. Applicants are required to provide proof of incorporation and activity in Pennsylvania before applications are reviewed or funds awarded. Unincorporated groups must apply through a nonprofit, tax exempt corporation that acts as a fiscal sponsor. The fiscal sponsor is legally responsible for the administration of the contract, including all reporting requirements, and may charge a fee for its services. Applicants applying through a fiscal sponsor organization must meet the same requirements as other applicants, except for nonprofit status. The fiscal sponsor is responsible for any award. The fiscal sponsor receives the award check directly from the designated PPA Partner and is responsible for ensuring the completion of the final reports.
Have an average annual revenue of less than $200,000.
Have a history of at least one year of consistent arts programming.
Matching Requirements
· All grants must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis in cash.
· In-kind goods and services may not be used to match PCA funds.
· Entry to Program Stream grant funds cannot be used to match other PCA grants.
Funding Restrictions
Grant funds cannot be used for any of the following:
· Activities outside the performance period of the grant.
· Activities that have a religious purpose.
· Payments to lobbyists.
· Cash prizes and awards.
· Benefit activities.
· Hospitality expenses (i.e., receptions, parties, gallery openings).
· Capital expenditures, including equipment costing $500-or more.
· Competitions.
· Performances and exhibitions not available to the public.
Application Process
Based on their PA county of residence, applicants must submit applications to their applicable
PPA Partner. Applications are due February 15, 2022, for the grant performance period of
September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.
Application Review Process
· PPA uses an advisory panel review process to make recommendations for the PCA’s
consideration in making final funding decisions.
· Organizations or programs stay in the Entry to Program Stream until recommended for
Program Stream, based on panel review and assessment totals. Once in Program Stream,
generally, grants range from $3,000 to $5,000.